- Image taken from Wikimedia Commons
No-Shave November is a growing campaign to promote awareness in the fight against cancer. It began in 2009 and has since gained momentum from year to year.
Another similar campaign is the Movember campaign which promotes awareness of men's health issues by encouraging men to sport mustaches.
No-Shave November predominantly promotes awareness through facial hair as well, although they also encourage more than the pogonotrophic arts. If you lack the capacity for the wild-and-free, virile tuft of mandibular fur, you could always cease shaving other areas for the cause.
Just like Catholics in Lent, No-Shave November forgoes one 'good' for some higher good. The money that you save from not shaving is given as quasi-alms to help those in need. While in your razor-fast the perpetual reminder to pray for the poor souls that battle with this unfortunate disease is right under your nose. Haven't sported facial hair before? The constant itch of a mid-length growth and the order of that garlic sauce stuck in your flavor-saver from lunch is penance enough, as if the end to displays of affection public and otherwise from your significant other wasn't enough.
And if you feel you still need some encouragement to sport your sprouts, here's a wonderful quote from St. Augustine: "The beard signifies the courageous; the beard distinguishes the grown men, the earnest, the active, the vigorous. So that when we describe such, we say, he is a bearded man" (Exposition of Psalm 133. 6).
So, whether its the full beard, the chops, the handlebar, the goatee, van dyke, or even leg warmers (from the ladies), you have the opportunity to do some good while having fun at the same time. And remember, Jesus had a beard.
Please leave a description of the fanciful fuzz you're displaying in the comments below.